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If at any time you feel we aren't providing you value that exceeds our price then we shake hands and part ways as friends.


Price without context can be confusing, so we ask that you please review our prices below along with why you should work with us and then contact us for more detail and pricing specifics.

There is no long term contract to sign. Our relationship with you is day by day. If at any time you feel we aren't providing you value that exceeds our price then we shake hands and part ways as friends. It's that simple.

As a financial advisor that specializes in long-term, goal-focused retirement planning, my value proposition is the achievement of desired financial outcomes in retirement by strategically and systematically investing in asset classes that are appropriate to my clients long term plan. 

I focus specifically on outcomes over outperformance. They are not the same thing. And outperformance will never ensure outcomes.

Here is a question for you to consider before hiring us or any advisor? What is your time, money, and peace of mind worth to you?

Time- Does it seem likely to you that we could increase your time by at least 1% per year by managing and monitoring your retirement plan?

Money- Does it seem likely to you that we could increase your long-term investment return by at least 1% more per year than you might obtain on your own?

Peace of mind- Does it seem likely to you that we could increase your peace of mind by at least 1% per year by helping you avoid financial mistakes that you might make on your own?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then keep reading.

Retirement Planning Price:

This planning starts at your retirement date and continues throughout your retirement. What is YOUR plan to increase your retirement income so that inflation doesn't cut your purchasing power during a 20-30 year retirement? Go look up the price of a stamp 30 years ago and compare it to the cost of a stamp today. If you don't have time to do that, I'll save you some time and let you know the cost of a stamp has doubled. And so can your cost of living during retirement.

Things get serious in this phase and we charge accordingly. You aren't working anymore so there are no do overs here. For new clients we require you to have accumulated a retirement nest egg of at least $500,000 at this point.

Once you retire we charge 1% or less on all assets we manage for you. See fee schedule below.

Household Balance Minimum (*Waivable at our discretion)$500,000
Tiered Fee Based on Household Balance
Household=Under Same Roof
$5,000,000 and up

That price is per year and is billed quarterly in advance and is deducted from your investment account(s) with us. 

Example: If we manage $1,000,000 (one million) for you, the cost is 0.85% or $8,500/year which translates to $2,125 per quarter. We bill quarterly in advance on January 1, April 1, July 1, & October 1. ($2,125/quarter x 4 quarters = $8,500/year)

What you get for that money: (this is not a comprehensive list)

  • Identify and comprehensively review your retirement goals
  • Establish a retirement income plan based on your retirement goals
  • Create a diversified portfolio designed to accomplish your retirement goals
  • Regular rebalancing of investments to maintain Investment Plan
  • Midyear review of your plan via email to help make sure it's on track
  • Annual in person review and update of your plan to make sure you’re on track
  • Assist in minimizing taxes
  • Assist in solving other financial problems you may encounter
  • Encouraging you to avoid impulses that could derail your plan
  • Access to an advisor anytime you need it at no additional charge

Pre-Retirement Planning Price:

This is planning that takes place before your target retirement date. What is YOUR plan to help make sure you are saving enough to retire comfortably and to stay retired comfortably? 

We review your retirement savings accounts (401k, IRA, etc.) to compare the alignment of your investments with your retirement goals. 

The price is $480. (This only applies to a pre-retirement written plan. If you only need general advice there is no charge for that. And if you are within 5 years of retirement there is no charge for the pre-retirement written plan.)

What you get for that money:

  • We meet with you in person, on the phone or via a webchat.
  • We estimate how much money you will likely need to retire 
  • We estimate how much you need to invest and review investments you might choose in your 401k and or other retirement accounts to meet that goal.
  • We will then give you a one page plan that details what you could do to help meet your goals.
  • If needed, we will assist you in accessing your 401k account and implementing investment actions.

We recommend the plan we give you to be reviewed again after one year. If you like the plan and process, we can continue to meet once per year to help you make sure you're on track to reach your retirement goals.

*The fee here only cover one meeting and one plan per year. The fee is based on our hourly rate of $240/hour. Each review takes approximately 2 hours. If you have a situation that requires additional time, we may have to adjust the price, but we will let you know that upfront.

Calculating Your Personal Retirement Number Price:

How much money do you need to retire and stay retired? We can estimate this number for you at no charge and zero obligation on your part.

At 80/20 we focus on outcomes we can control. We identify your retirement goals, establish a plan for achieving them, and then create a portfolio to carry out the plan.

At 80/20 we don't sell. We help. 

Click Here to schedule your retirement consultation 

The consultation is free and without obligation.