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We work directly for you.

Who We Work With:

Current and former Electric Cooperative Employees

We serve both former and current electric cooperative employees as well as their immediate family members.

Retired or very close to retirement

We specialize in retirement planning thus so we mostly work with people very close to retirement (5 years or less) or already retired, however we also offer pre-retirement planning by the hour. More info here.

Hard-working savers

None our clients would consider themselves to be “rich”, but thanks years of hard work, saving and frugal living they have accumulated or on pace to accumulate a retirement nest egg of at least $500,000.

Nice people

We will only work with nice people with whom we get along with well and share a mutual respect. This will be a 20-30 year or longer relationship. It's imperative that we like each other. We will meet periodically and it's very important that we both look forward to that meeting.

Those looking for a trusted advisor

People that understand the success of their retirement is too important to be doing it themselves and they understand the value of having expert guidance. We don't seek clients that don't want help nor will we keep clients that don't take our advice. Our time is too valuable for that and we believe it's unethical for us to charge you a fee if you do not take our advice.

Those interested in true retirement planning and not just investment performance

True retirement planning is aligning your investments to accomplish your retirement goals. It has very little to do with investment performance alone. Your portfolio's only job is to accomplish your retirement goals. That's it. 

If your goals are finding the next hot stock, getting rich quick, or making sure your portfolio outperforms your neighbors, please don't call us. We will not be a good fit for you.

If your goals are to make sure you don't run out of money in retirement, creating long term wealth for certain and potentially changing your family's legacy, please call us. We will be a great fit for you!

If this sounds like you, and you have saved or on pace to save at least $500,000 towards your retirement, we would love to speak with you.

Schedule your retirement consultation today. 

The consultation is free and without obligation.