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Time is our most precious resource and I thank you for allowing me to get a few minutes of your time each week. I hope you find the blog helpful and informative. Send me an email if there is ever a topic you would be interested in learning more about. I will research it and write a future blog about it.

Don't Listen To The Serpent Thumbnail

Don't Listen To The Serpent

In the Book of Genesis, God gives Adam and Eve authority over the earth, forbidding them of only one thing. They are forbidden from tasting the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. And for a few moments, their innocence is perfect. Then it happens. They taste the fruit and commit the original transgression. And after that, everything bad and wrong with earthly life suddenly enters the world: sin, shame, struggle, sickness and death. They only made one little mistake, but it was the only mistake they couldn't afford to make.

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How Long Do Bear Markets Last? Thumbnail

How Long Do Bear Markets Last?

Since 1948, there have been 10 Bear markets U.S. excluding the one we are in right now. The average number of years from the peak of the Bear market to the recovery, meaning the time it took for the S&P 500 to climb back to its previous highs was 3.9 years and the median/midpoint was 2.7 years. On five of those occasions, the market recovered in 2 years or less! In other words, market downturns feel much longer than they actually are.

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Why All Of Us Should Embrace Temporary Market Declines Thumbnail

Why All Of Us Should Embrace Temporary Market Declines

What a wild year so far in the in regards to the market. We've seen volatility like we haven't seen since March 2020 which was the beginning stages of the pandemic. Today I want to discuss why you should actually embrace temporary market declines rather than fear them. Notice I said, temporary market declines. I said temporary because they all are temporary and always have been temporary and will always be temporary. But the good news is:

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Is Gold A Good Investment Right Now? Thumbnail

Is Gold A Good Investment Right Now?

It seems that whatever I read, watch or listen to these days gets interrupted by a commercial with a current or former celebrity telling me I need to buy gold because of inflation, because Russia invaded Ukraine or because of (insert whatever manufactured crisis you want here). If I'm seeing this constantly then some of you are as well. So...let's talk about gold as an investment.

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Are Your Investments Performing Well? Thumbnail

Are Your Investments Performing Well?

Performance calculations for a portfolio on a monthly statement can be very complex and over a 30-year retirement even totally meaningless. Remember as long-term goal-focused investors, we don’t chase performance, we chase outcomes. If your portfolio is up 25% this month or year congratulations! But will that matter in 15 years if you run out of money??? Retirement is a marathon, not a sprint.

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Why Do Stocks Go Up? Thumbnail

Why Do Stocks Go Up?

The long answer is stock prices are the world's way of appraising the value of the company in which they own stock. The most consistent and reliable signals of a companies value are the level and trends of it's earnings over time.

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What Is A Bitcoin? Thumbnail

What Is A Bitcoin?

I'm a financial advisor that specializes in retirement planning. My job is to align peoples investments with their goals in retirement. What I do isn't sexy and doesn't make the news but it works and it has for well over 100 years.

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