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Time is our most precious resource and I thank you for allowing me to get a few minutes of your time each week. I hope you find the blog helpful and informative. Send me an email if there is ever a topic you would be interested in learning more about. I will research it and write a future blog about it.

Investing Can Be Scary Especially During Scary Times Thumbnail

Investing Can Be Scary Especially During Scary Times

The past two years have been the most terrifying years for investors since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009. First the pandemic, next a bitterly partisan presidential election and most recently a 40 year high inflation spike. You wouldn't be human if you haven't experienced market volatility fatigue and exhaustion at some point. I know I have. You might also not be human if after two years of this chaos you didn't want to ditch your financial plan and move all your investments to cash for "safety" and to get some rest from the constant volatility.

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Could You Retire Now? Thumbnail

Could You Retire Now?

Without a doubt this is the number one question and concern I hear from people in regards to retirement. So let's talk about this and see if you can retire and have enough money to retire without running out. I think these are questions I can answer with a certain amount of confidence and hopefully I can give you some clarification in the process.

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Is Gold A Good Investment Right Now? Thumbnail

Is Gold A Good Investment Right Now?

It seems that whatever I read, watch or listen to these days gets interrupted by a commercial with a current or former celebrity telling me I need to buy gold because of inflation, because Russia invaded Ukraine or because of (insert whatever manufactured crisis you want here). If I'm seeing this constantly then some of you are as well. So...let's talk about gold as an investment.

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Are Your Investments Performing Well? Thumbnail

Are Your Investments Performing Well?

Performance calculations for a portfolio on a monthly statement can be very complex and over a 30-year retirement even totally meaningless. Remember as long-term goal-focused investors, we don’t chase performance, we chase outcomes. If your portfolio is up 25% this month or year congratulations! But will that matter in 15 years if you run out of money??? Retirement is a marathon, not a sprint.

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11 Questions You Should Ask Any Financial Advisor You Interview Thumbnail

11 Questions You Should Ask Any Financial Advisor You Interview

I created this list as an education piece for any electric cooperative employee to use as they interview different financial advisors. My goal isn't that everyone who visits my site decides to work with me. My goal is to help you make an educated decision as you work through this process. If you are retiring soon or just exploring a relationship with a financial advisor, be sure to ask these 11 questions during the interview process. And interview at least three advisors. That should give you a good idea of whom you want to work with and why.

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Why Do Stocks Go Up? Thumbnail

Why Do Stocks Go Up?

The long answer is stock prices are the world's way of appraising the value of the company in which they own stock. The most consistent and reliable signals of a companies value are the level and trends of it's earnings over time.

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10 Action Items For A Great Retirement Thumbnail

10 Action Items For A Great Retirement

There are obvious benefits for every person to have an identity in life. By knowing your identity you are not only able to accomplish your goals, but you also have a sense of wholeness. This remains true during your retirement years when your career is no longer your identity. By knowing who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, you'll gain a sense of confidence and pride and your life will be more meaningful and fulfilled. Let's discuss a few ways to discover your new identity in retirement.

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What Is A Bitcoin? Thumbnail

What Is A Bitcoin?

I'm a financial advisor that specializes in retirement planning. My job is to align peoples investments with their goals in retirement. What I do isn't sexy and doesn't make the news but it works and it has for well over 100 years.

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